
The system uses your preference rules to do calculations that will help the auto-scheduler determine the best employee to be assigned to a time block, and to order the employees in the best fit feature. To do so, WorkSchedule.Net will give a grade for each employee for every preference rule that you entered. Usually, this grade will be between 0% and 100%. Next, this grade is multiplied by the factor of importance for that specific rule. To generate a TOTAL GRADE for each time block, per employee, the system will add the grades of all the rules. Then, employees are generally sorted by their total grade for the time block. Accordingly, the system chooses the employee with the highest score to be assigned to that particular time block.


Let's take a single time block that we want to determine the best employee for.

The following information is assumed:

• The system has two preference rules: Employee rank (lowest) and employee with the least hours.

• Employee rank has a factor of importance = 2, and employee with the least hours = 1 ( So, we know directly that employee rank is more important to the manager than employee with the least hours)

WorkSchedule.Net will look at every employee in the system, and rate them on both of these rules for this one time block. But for simplicity, let's only look at two employees. The calculation may look like this:

Employee A

Rule Grade Factor Subtotal
Employee Rank 80% 2 1.6
Employee with least hours 10% 1 0.1
TOTAL GRADE:     1.7


Employee B

Rule Grade Factor Subtotal
Employee Rank 40% 2 0.8
Employee with least hours 70% 1 0.7
TOTAL GRADE:     1.5


So, Employee A is the best choice for the time block, because he/she has the highest total grade. As you can see, although Employee B had less hours (70%), the rules show that Employee Rank is the most important, with a factor of 2, whereas employee with least hours only has a factor of 1. So, in this configuration, because the employee rank is substantially different between employee A and B, the employee with the least hours did not have a big impact on the final grade. But, if both employees had a close rank, employee with least hours would have made a greater impact on the grade.